Friday, July 17, 2009

HG Fortune Solar Orbit Vsti

Solar Orbit is fairly compact VSTi Synthesizer featuring:

as soundsources:
two oscillators with two waves with 8 waveforms each and option to modify the waveshape plus one oscillator with 5 waveforms, the latter one can be frequency modulated which is synced to osc. 2 thus FM will result in getting harmonic content;

as modifiers:
one 24dB Lowpass filter with resonance per synthvoice
one Spook fx as global fx
one Color fx can be seen as 'simple' EQ to enhance lower or upper frequencies
one BassEnhancer to enhance low frequencies (works indenpendently from Color signal)
one delay synced to bpm;

as sources for modulation:
four ADSR envelope generators (one for Filter, one for VCA and two as monophonic global sources)
six LFO and one Sample & Hold;

as additional Modulation controls:
XY Super Modulation as Mod Matrix with adjustable amount to destinations;
plus six Lazy buttons to randomize related sets of parameters.

All in all Solar Orbit is capable of producing quite a variety of sounds among most noticeable are stunning sync sounds, fairly unique pads and fx sounds plus. With a good response on the lower frequency range one might achieve quite 'huge' and deep sounds too.


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