Monday, August 24, 2009

Roger Nichols Digital Pack VST RTAS AiR


Roger Nichols Proprietary Mastering Tool
Come into the Mix

Detailer is a stereo mastering process developed by Roger Nichols and used in countless hit records. Detailer offers a new way of increasing the perception of "detail" in the mid level of a final mix while still allowing increased loudness. The process involves a combination of three-band limiting and dynamic widening using psycho-acoustic processing. Roger Nichols has fine tuned the process to produce the most effective result with the least amount of adjustment.
Three is better than one

Detailer uses spectral harmonic detection and intelligent parameter adjustment to apply its innovative dynamic-widening processes only where and when it is useful.
Make it loud, please

Using the advanced limiting algorithms from our highly acclaimed Finis plug-in ensures maximum audio levels - if that is needed - while preserving audio dynamics. Using Detailer along with Dynam-izer will give you the loudest mixes on the planet, and leave your dynamics intact.
What you see is what you get


The Fundamentally New Dynamics Processing Tool in Decades
Get In The Zone

Don't get confused - this is not multi-band compression. DYNAM-IZER is an entirely different beast. Why always apply the same compression to all audio levels? Compress the louder levels with a quick attack; expand the lower levels with a slow release and leave the mid level sounds alone. Try it with a traditional compressor - you won't get far. DYNAM-IZER lets you break your audio levels up into "zones" so you can control them exactly how you want. No one size fits all compression here.
What Are You Looking At?

Thought you knew compression? Think again. DYNAM-IZER lets you visualize compression in a way you've never seen before (no transfer curves here). Just like a graphic equalizer provides valuable information for your equalization efforts, so does DYNAM-IZER provide critical info for your compression efforts. No more shooting in the dark - just the info you need for total control.
That's The Key

DYNAM-IZER's compression meters indicate how your attack and release are affecting the compression. Cloud meters show you where your audio levels are concentrated. There's even a built-in "Auto-Limiter" for those times when you want to ensure your audio doesn't go in the red. Automatic gain compensation, look-ahead, and more. Click here to see the Full Feature List!
What you see is what you get

* RND Presets are now included as factory presets
* A new ? button has been added allowing quick acccess to the online manual.
* Dynam-izer now comes in two flavors. The brushed aluminum look, was updated with orange buttons, sliders and arrows to improve the visibility of important control points. An "elemental blue" color scheme is now also available. This choice was not only made available to satisfy customers preferences in color schemes, but when running several instances of Frequal-izer it can help to better distinguish which one belongs to which track.


Brick-wall Limiting & Loudness Maximization

We all know that unplanned digital distortion is bad news. Use Finis to control your audio levels and prevent distortion from rearing its ugly head. And when you need to give your audio more edge, Finis helps you maximize your audio's loudness. Even at extreme settings, Finis can control levels without audible distortion. Whether you just need to catch an occasional over or to increase the average level of your audio, Finis offers a flexible solution.

Finis employs psycho acoustic limiting algorithms that analyze several aspects of your audio and, considering the way humans perceive volume levels, intelligently adjusts your audio levels to keep them under the maximum you have specified. To most effectively control your levels, Finis looks ahead of your audio, watching for any peaks that would exceed the maximum output level. It quickly decreases the level to bring the peak under the maximum, preventing distortion from occurring. Because Finis is a brick wall peak limiter, it will never allow the audio to exceed the maximum output level you have specified. Click here to see the Full Feature List!
Get Three for the Price of One

You want more control over the way a limiter behaves or "sounds". After all, the same limiting style doesn't fit every purpose. That's why Finis provides three distinct limiting algorithms - so that you can tweak the plug-ins limiting style to meet your needs. But Finis offers choice without complexity. You only need to interact with two primary controls to get the response you want. Using Finis is simple - in many cases it can just be activated, a few small adjustments to the Release or Reaction controls and it is done.
Peak, and RMS, and Crest Factor, Oh My!

What is a limiter without proper metering? Finis gives you all the metering you need to get the most from your limiting. To make sure that you don't lose sight of any aspect of your audio levels, Finis introduces an integrated Peak, RMS, and Peak hold meter. What's more, because limiting affects audio dynamics, Finis includes an innovative new Crest Factor meter. This meter ensures you don't kill your audio dynamics. Unless of course, that's the goal.
The World Of Limiting Just Got Brighter

Finis employs the most advanced psycho acoustic algorithms we know of. Great Tools don't need to have complicated user interfaces.


Linear Phase Mastering EQ & Matchmaker

FREQUAL-IZER builds a complex FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter to your specifications. See the results of your EQ with the built-in spectrum analyzer. FREQUAL-IZER will not color your audio with the introduction of non-linear phase shift.
Meet Your Match

Ever wanted to make one track sound more like another? Need to bring together takes recorded in different spaces? FREQUAL-IZER's spectrum matching feature provides you with all this and more. Learn the frequency response of one audio source and apply it to another for technical adjustment or creative effect.)
All 50 States

Use FREQUAL-IZER's 50 States to store EQ's for instant recall or automation. Add, delete, copy, and move the EQ states you create or have FREQUAL-IZER intelligently "fill" empty states, morphing between selected EQ's. Working with States is a snap when you use the States Overview to visualize all 50 available states.
Features Galore

A comprehensive history and two workspaces allow you to easily compare and contrast different EQ's. Edit each channel individually or choose from four linking modes to designate how changes to one channel will affect the other. Scale, smooth, or sweep your entire EQ curve. Boost or cut your signal by +/- 18 dB. Customize the spectral display to only show what is of interest to you. Click here to see the Full Feature List!
FREQUAL-IZER brings creativity to linear phase equalization


A new approach to Analysis, Six professional Meters

Inspector XL (IXL) was designed to fulfill a number of familiar analysis tasks with professionalism, style, and finesse. Available as a series of interactive modules, Inspector XL includes six individual, thoughtfully designed plug-ins for: FFT, Spectagram and Third Octave Spectral analysis, flexible level metering, plus phase and correlation, balance, stereo imaging, and statistical clipping with overload analysis. From top to bottom, Inspector XL provides a comprehensive, flexible, and easy-to-use approach.
"I wish I had better meters ... I wish I had better meters ..."

How many times have you wished for larger meters? Change the color of your meters? More flexible meters? Or more standard meters than those available in your host DAW? Inspector XL's meters answer all of these needs and more. Amazingly configurable, infinitely usable meters you should not be without. Horizontal and vertical layout with customizable color, range, ballistics, zero reference, and so on. And still supporting standard level meter formats including K-System and IEC Digital PPM. Inspector XL has got you covered with professional meters you can use anywhere and everywhere.
Choices, choices, and more choices

If you like choices and who doesn't?, Inspector XL offers you plenty. Each module provides a range of color and configuration choices. Use the integrated, easy-to-use color picker to customize the color of your spectral analysis, phase scope or level meter data. Select from FFT, Spectagram, or ISO Third Octave spectral analysis to match your needs. Display all spectral data you need to see: Peak, Peak Hold, Average (or any combination) and choose the default Third Octave analysis data type. View phase in traditional XY or Vector modes or utilize RNDigital's intuitive Polar mode - each individually configurable, of course. Use standard meters if you want or stretch out and customize your Dow integrated or separate peak/RMS; customizable caution and warning zones; plus selectable primary meter type (peak/RMS) are just a few of the available options.
But, wait - there's more


Multiband Processing with Singleband Plug-ins?

You know about signal processing: EQ, compression, distortion, reverb . . . and it’s a beautiful thing. But multiband signal processing, which divides a signal into different frequency bands and applies processing to each band individually, takes the concept to the next level.

Probably the most common example is multiband compression, which typically splits a signal into three to five bands. This is used a lot with drums and program material (e.g., a mixed stereo signal), because single-band compression has limitations. For example, with drums, suppose you feed the drums through a compressor and there’s a strong kick hit. That causes compression to occur, and it affects the high-frequency sounds as well, such as hi-hats. With multiband compression, you could put drastic compression on the low-frequency kick drum, while adding only a slight amount of compression (or none) to other frequency ranges. When used with program material, multiband compression gives a less ”squashed,” more transparent sound.

Other Uses

Vocals are often split into high and low frequencies, then delay is added only to the higher frequencies. Thus the sibilant-rich sounds have echo, while the lower notes do not. If there's a fairly dense instrumental background, this technique avoids muddying up the midrange - the vocal echoes "float" over the other sounds.

The SPL-IZER is an adjustable 3 band 24db per octave FIR (Finite Impulse Response) frequency splitter that allows the three bands to be isolated and routed to aux or instrument tracks for separate processing.

The use of FIR filters ensures that no phase shifting occurs at the frequency split points. With this tool, one can use for example ones favorite single band compressor (let's say uhm.. Dynam-izer) and make it 3 band.


* Spl-izer features user adjustable frequency split point and audio levels.
* The low to mid split point can be set from 80Hz to 1475 Hz.
* The mid to high split point from 80Hz to 16kHz.
* The user can choose between using Hanning or Blackman windows.
* The various level meters feature RNDigital's proprietary +8db input meter
with peak and RMS level indicators.
* The direct output of the plug-in can be switched between Mute, Sum, Low Band,
Mid Band and High Band for instant monitoring.
* The three bands created by the the splitter each have their own level meter
and adjustable gain.
* The plug-in makes these signals available to your DAW as individual busses.


A new approach to Equalization, Build the EQ you Need on the Fly
Go on, be the boss

Why work within the confines of an EQ configuration of someone else's choosing? UNIQUEL-IZER lets you determine your ideal EQ. If you ever need more bands or filters, they're just a click away. No need to swap out for another EQ or use another insert slot. UNIQUEL-IZER lets you be the boss.
Variety is the key

From standard to specialty filters, the unprecedented selection lets you be the master of your EQ. Use the 4 and 8 harmonic parametrics to remove A/C line noise (i.e. hum) or use the steep notch to remove unwanted tones. With 11 filter types available, there's a filter for every occasion.
Get Ready to Flex

Activate or inactivate filters on the fly or solo an individual filter to hear only its effect. Two workspaces allow you to compare EQ's to zero in on the ideal settings for your mix. Boost or cut your signal by +/- 24 dB. Zoom in on the filter graph for editing precision. Save your EQ's with integrated Save and Load. Import previously saved filters into your current EQ session.
Click here to see the Full Feature List!
Version 1.2 Updates

* Roger Nichols Presets are now included as factory presets
* A new ? button has been added allowing quick acccess to the online manual.
* Dynam-izer now comes in two flavors. The brushed aluminum look, was updated with orange buttons, sliders and arrows to improve the visibility of important control points. An "elemental blue" color scheme is now also available. This choice was not only made available to satisfy customers preferences in color schemes, but when running several instances of Frequal-izer it can help to better distinguish which one belongs to which track.
* The root frequency of the harmonics filters can now be adjusted in .1 Hz increments. Since A/C noise disturbances are not always at exactly 50 or 60 Hz.

System Requiremements
* Windows XP Compatible
* Requires VST, AU, or RTAS host



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